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Zorin OS, Recommended Windows-like Linux Distro for Beginners


Zorin OS is a linux distro that is very powerful and easy to use. One of the reasons why computer users, especially in Indonesia, are very difficult to migrate to the linux operating system is because most of them have been accustomed to the Windows operating system since they first learned. They are reluctant to learn something new. This may also be caused by our education system that tends to be more comfortable as a user, minimal to experiment to create new things. And most of the linux users I know tend to be more creative and like to try new things.

From the user behavior as above, most linux distro makers deliberately create a linux appearance that is similar to the Windows operating system. This is intended so that beginners who are migrating to Linux are easy to adapt. One linux distro that adapts this concept is zorin OS. This linux distro looks similar to windows, the user interface is easy. And in my opinion it actually looks better than Windows with smaller memory resources. A few years ago I also used Zorin OS to create a new Distro called CastraLinux OS. With various considerations, especially the built-in driver support which is more than ubuntu.

Advantages and Facilities of Zorin OS

Faster, Stable and Virus-Safe

Like other Linux operating systems, Zorin OS is also faster and more stable than Windows. With cooler graphics, Linux requires less memory resources than Windows. Regarding security against virus attacks, Linux is no doubt. With certain access rights on Linux, every application that is run must have access permissions. So every time we install a new program, we are asked to enter the root password (user administrator on Linux). Windows viruses also cannot run on the Linux operating system, and there are more viruses on the Windows operating system than Linux. From my own experience, until now I have never encountered or experienced the linux operating system that I use or friends around me getting a virus.

Zorin Look Changer

Windows 7 display on Zorin OS

Zorin look changer is a facility available in Zorin OS to allow users to change the desktop look to Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Unity, Mac OS X or GNOME 2. Zorin OS Core (free version) only provides Windows 7, Windows XP and GNOME 2 interfaces while the Premium Edition provides all the above interfaces.

Includes Drivers and Software for Office and Graphics needs

With an iso file size of around 1.5 Gb, Zorin OS already includes various applications for daily needs, both office graphics and many more to facilitate its users so that when the installation is complete Zorin OS can be used immediately. In addition, Zorin OS also includes many drivers. This makes it easier for us, especially those without an internet connection. With the availability of many drivers, the installation process becomes faster. This is very useful when installing Zorin OS on many computers such as computer labs etc. 

Zorin Web Browser Manager

Zorin OS already has a mozilla firefox browser, but to make it easier for users to install other browsers Zorin OS provides the Zorin Web Browser Manager tool. So one click, we can add other web browsers, such as google chrome. opera, midori etc. An internet connection is required for browser installation using this facility.

Zorin Theme Changer

With the Zorin Theme Changer, it is easy for users to change the theme as desired.

WINE and PlayOnLinux Apps Available

Sometimes we still need some Windows applications that are not available on Linux. WINE and PlayOnLinux are applications to run and install windows programs on Linux operating systems. Some software that I have installed and successfully run are Office 2007, Corel Draw 12, Photoshop 8 and most portable applications can be run.

Cool 3-Dimensional Effect Display

The effect display on linux is cooler than windows.

Desktop Cube view on Zorin OS

WIndows Switcher view on Zorin OS

One thought on “Zorin OS, Rekomendasi Distro Linux Mirip Windows untuk Pemula

  • mantapp soul gan, I have intsal and the results are very satisfying and environmentally friendly haha 😀


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