KineMaster, Recommended Best Android Video Editing App
This time I will discuss KineMaster as the best android video editing application based on my experience using the Kinemaster application. Before that I will tell you why I am interested in video editing applications on cellphones. At first I was hesitant to use a video editing application on an android phone, it must be complicated and less powerful than a video editing application on a desktop PC. Because some friends make and edit videos with cellphones, I was finally curious and tried to find out about video editing applications on Android phones.
Here are the advantages of editing videos using android:
- It is more practical and flexible because we can edit videos anywhere, anytime, while lying down or while having coffee at a stall. This is different if you use a PC or cellphone, you need a special room and place to edit.
- Videos can be produced quickly, this is very useful ethics need news or promotional videos that are up to date. I usually make instagram videos directly editing from my cellphone so that the video can be uploaded while the event is still ongoing.
- The rendering process is faster than using a PC, which is very surprising that the rendering process on an android cellphone can be faster than using a standard laptop, unlike the case with a god-spec PC/laptop!!!. It is likely because the video format of the HP version is lighter than the video format of the DSLR / Mirroless camera. For kinemaster can not support .mov video format..must be converted to MP4 version HP
Pros of Kinemaster as the best video editing app:
- Simple yet powerful user interface,
- Layer, can add more than one layer whether video, image, text or audio
- Chroma key feature available
- Features color filter and color adjustment
- Speed Control feature, adjust video speed
- Volume Envelope, to raise and lower the sound or music
- Audio Filters, various cool audio filters available
- Voice, with this feature you can create video narration / voice over directly from the kinemaster application
- Transitions, has cool transition features whether free or paid
- Can directly share videos on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Google Plus, Dropbox
In addition to the above advantages, of course, there are some disadvantages and limitations in this Kinemaster video editing application.
Cons of Kinemaster:
- In the free version there is a watermark
- The Free version only supports up to 720 video resolution
- No stabilizer feature yet
- less convenient for editing videos with multiple layers
- does not yet support portrait video format, while the power director application already supports portrait video format (portrait video is very suitable to be applied on Instagram).
That's all the discussion about the Kinemaster android video editing application. Each application certainly has its advantages and disadvantages, by looking at the above comparison, hopefully it can help to determine what video editor application you are using.