2R, 3R, 4R, 5R, 8R, 10R, 12R, 16R, 20R, 24R and 30R Photo Print Size in cm and Inches
For the needs of printing photos, we must know the size of the photo, be it 3R, 4R, 5R, 8R, 10R, 12R, 16 R, 20R, 24R and 30R. This size uses R which is widely or often used, this size adheres to US code standards. There is also a photo print size that uses size L which adheres to the Japanese standard code. Size L is equal to 3R, while 2L (2 times the size of L) or equivalent to 5R. But this standard photo print size in L is not used in Indonesia.
Only knowing the photo print size in R is certainly very confusing for those who are not familiar with photo printing. To make it easier to know the size of photo prints, below we present the conversion of photo print size from R to cm (centimeters) and inches.
Photo sizes 3R, 4R, 5R, 8R, 10R, 12R, 16 R, 20R, 24R and 30R in cm
2R = 6 cm x 9 cm
3R = 8.9 cm x 12.7 cm
4R = 10.2 cm x 15.2 cm
5R = 12.7 cm x 17.8 cm
6R = 15.2 cm x 20.3 cm
8R = 20.3 cm x 25.4 cm
8R(+) = 20.3 cm x 30.5 cm
10R = 25.4 cm x 30.5 cm
10R(+) = 25.4 cm x 38.1 cm
12R = 30.48 cm x 39.37 cm
16R = 40.64 cm x 50.8 cm
20R = 50.8 cm x 60.96 cm
24R = 60.96 cm x 80 cm
30R = 75 cm x 100 cm
Photo sizes 3R, 4R, 5R, 8R, 10R, 12R, 16 R, 20R, 24R and 30R in inches
3R = 3.5 inches x 5 inches
4R = 4 inches x 6 inches
5R = 5 inches x 7 inches
8R = 8 inches x 10 inches
10R = 10 inches x 12 inches
12R = 12 inches x 15.5 inches
16R = 16 inches x 20 inches
20R = 20 inches x 24 inches
24R = 24 inches x 31.5 inches
30R = 30 inches x 40 inches
To print photos with appropriate quality, we must also pay attention to the mega pixel size of the image file or photo. If the mega pixel size is small and printed with a large size, the image is less sharp and broken. Mega pixel size also affects file size. The larger the mega pixel size, the larger the file size will be. Therefore, when taking pictures, we must also pay attention to what purposes or later printed in what size the photo results. To make it easier, below we present a table of camera mega pixel sizes that are ideal for printing in certain paper sizes.
Ideal Mega Pixel Size for Photo Print Size
2×3=> 0.1 Mega Pixels (352×228)
4×6=> 0.3 Mega Pixels (640×480)
2R=> 1, 1.2 or 1.3 Mega Pixels
3R=> 1.5 Mega Pixels (1051×1500)
4R=>2 Mega Pixels (1205×1795)
5R=>3 Mega Pixels (1500×2102)
6R=> 4 Mega Pixels (1795×2511)
8R=> 7 Mega Pixels (2398×3602)
10R=> 11 Mega Pixels (3000×3602)
11R=> 14 Mega Pixels (3300×4200)
12R=> 16 Mega Pixels (3300×4500)
Thus the discussion about the various sizes of photo prints in 3R, 4R, 5R, 8R, 10R, 12R, 16 R, 20R, 24R and 30R and their conversions in centimeters, inches and mega pixels. Good luck!!!